Leaving Melbourne on way to Iceland

Today, Pam and I are embarking on our wonderful travel adventure, visiting Iceland, Estonia, Finland and Russia. Leaving Melbourne wasn’t too difficult given the horrible weather we had this morning, raining and cold day. As it some sort happens when preparing for a trip, at the last moment, as the saying goes, “Life Happens”…. Last night we were at the 24 hour Vet clinic with our dog Orlando. He had been unwell for a day or so. When dinner time came last night and he was not interested in his food and was also shivering….we knew something was wrong, so off to the Vet we went. I reckon half of the inner city pets owners decided to visit the clinic last night. After some test and a couple of injections Orlando seemed to be better. Anyway today he looks a bit better, so James will be looking after him for the next few weeks. As they say, Melbourne has the best coffee in Australia, so what better to do than join other people departing this city today, than visit the Brunetti Pasticceria at Melbourne airport. So here we go ….. until the next post…..