Day 28 – Negreira to Oliveiroa – 04-Jun-2018

Third last day on our Camino – 34km to Olvieroa. We had decided, because of the long distance that we’d get our back packs sent on, which turned out to be a wise decision in the end.
The walk out of Negreira was easy, however we did notice quite a number of other people on the road, a surprising fact considering that only about 20 per cent of pilgrims who reach Santiago De Compostela actually go on and take on the trip to Finisterre.
After about 10 minutes of walking, the rain started to fall, and it basically persisted the whole of the trip in. Needless to say that we were all well and truly soaked through when we reached Olvieroa at around 3;00pm.

The trail today was excellent, despite the really inclement weather. The whole journey was almost entirely through lush green forest, lovely fields of pasture, vineyards, all through quiet country lanes or roads. It would have been a fantastic walk in better conditions, but it was enjoyable anyway.

We arrived cold, wet and hungry. A warm shower rarely feels so good. The usual activities for the afternoon were then undertaken until dinner time. We had a lovely dinner at the local albergue restaurant with some good Camino friends and called it a night.

An early start again tomorrow as it’s a Long 34km day again. We’re hoping that the weather might be a little kinder tomorrow, but that’s in the lap of the gods.

Olvieroa is a smaller place even than Negreira, so there is little to see and do here